Progressing in a Legal Secretary role means you can benefit from higher pay in salary.
The average salary for a Legal Secretary in 2019 was £21,629.27. This average dropped slightly from 2018, by -3.21%.
Salaries would also vary by region and by the size of the business. Below, are the regional splits of average salaries we saw in 2019. The figures have been provided from Simply Law Jobs data.
Average salary for legal secretaries
Region |
Average salary |
London |
£30,371.09 |
East Anglia |
£22,728.74 |
South East |
£22,927.49 |
West Midlands |
£21,308.18 |
North West |
£22,548.15 |
South West |
£21,883.58 |
North East |
£20,144.23 |
Wales |
£21,000.00 |
Scotland |
£24,750.00 |
Yorkshire |
£21,736.90 |
East Midlands |
£20,854.09 |
As you can see, there is plenty of potential to earn what you’re worth. So how can you show your employer that you’re worth more? Below, The Institute of Legal Secretaries and PAs (ILSPA) advises on what you can do to ensure you see career and salary progression.
Prove your value to the business
There is plenty of opportunity to apply yourself at work, no matter what the role. As a legal secretary, your value to the business is how productive you can be on behalf of those working at the business. So if your workload is comfortable and you think you can take on more responsibility, make time to accommodate this.
Be careful not to let yourself get taken advantage of though – it’s important to find the balance between going above and beyond, but also ensuring that you don’t double your workload, particularly without more monetary benefit. If you don’t have salary reviews in place already, taking on more responsibility is a great case to make when you do get round to discussing it.
Request a salary review
As we mentioned above, you may have a salary review already in place at work. But if you don’t, and you’ve worked at your firm for a while, request a review with your manager if you feel you’re not being paid what you’re worth.
Take a course to increase your employability
The best employees are the ones who keep learning to progress in their role. By enrolling onto legal secretary courses, not only are you improving your knowledge for your role, you are investing in your future career, which could involve a better salary due to your experience. We would highly recommend taking a look at the courses ILSPA currently has available.
Gain membership and network
Whether you are a trainee or an experienced legal secretary, being a member of a professional organisation shows your commitment to the role. Here, you can further your education through networking and attending workshops etc. held by the organisation, which you can then apply to work. Potential employers will also take note that you are part of a professional organisation for your career.
If you would like to discuss membership or courses for legal secretaries, visit ILSPA’s site today if you want to make the most out of your career – and get paid more to do it.
You can also follow ILSPA on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter.